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Spocus Records

http://www.spocus.be/ (...)

Spocus Records is a new record label from Belgium that brings organic music free of boundaries set by style or genre.

Spocus Records strives to give complete creative freedom to the artists so that the music you hear will be as 'they' hear or feel it.

Doing so we hope that you will feel closer to what the artists want to express and experience their search for beauty.

The production of the albums is done in Belgium to be sure that our joy is not built on the suffering of others.

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Les CD concernant Spocus Records (Rubrique Ecouter)
Pour un petit bonheur posthume
Koen de Cauter - Pour un petit bonheur posthume  Hommage à Brassens 17,00 €
Avec Koen de Cauter
- Pour un petit bonheur posthume
Hommage à Brassens - octobre 2011
Ou Welto Risella
Bamboula Ferret & Fapy Lafertin - Ou Welto Risella 20,00 €
Avec Bamboula Ferret & Fapy Lafertin
- Ou Welto Risella - mai 2011

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